ghost story (go back »)

April 27 2011, 11:28 PM

hey yall,

so its been awhile. again im sorry. not like anyone is reading my blogs anyway. but i just want to get my thoughts out there. so school is inching closer and closer to ending and my grades arn\'t too good. but im trying. so do any you believe in ghosts? i do, its against my religion but i dont see how that makes sense because of Jesus and The Holy Spirit but thats besides the point. im watching Ghost Hunters at the very moment 11:04 pm. and i just feel like there are spirits of people who have died and i feel like i have come in contact with a few.

one time when i was in sixth grade i was really interested in history and my friend had just unrevealed a bundle of letters and things from her attic. and i just became really interested in these belongings and they all belonged to a girl who had lived there. she went to the high school i ended up going to and she had homework tucked away up there and we just became very very, i wouldnt say obsessed, but hmmmm... intreged. her mother actually wanted to help find out more about this girl and she actually contacted the former owner of the house and she said that that was her daughter but she never said what she was doing now... if she died or anything. her mom went to city hall tried to find out more but when she looked at the records her name wasnt on any of them. her mothers name was but not hers she had a brother also and his name was on there. then things at her house started to get weird but mostly in the attic. everytime you went up there this one box would pop off. she moved it and moved it but everytime it would just pop off. she wanted to take me up there and i got about three steps up and i just felt way too creeped out the whole envirnment just felt off i had to get out of there. when i got to the bottom of the stairs i could hear something hit the floor up in the attic and i ran down to her living room. i was so scared of her upstairs.

i dont know maybe i was just being a little kid and vulnerable.




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